
Stories and articles on the subject of TPU inner tubes

The Right Tire Pressure for Road Bikes

What is the correct or best tire pressure for road bikes? How do changes affect it and what do I need to consider? Here is the guide! 

Learn more Auf dem Bild wird der Reifendruck eines Rennrad-Reifens getestet.

The Right Air Pressure for Your Bicycle Tires – How to Find It

Finding the right tire pressure for your bicycle is not easy. It depends on the tire and on you! 

Learn more Auf dem Bild wird der Reifendruck eines Fahrradreifens getestet.

What is the ETRTO Table and Why Do I Need It?

The ETRTO table is a useful tool for determining which tire fits which rim. We explain how it works. 

Learn more Zu sehen ist eine Aeron Verpackung mit Größenangabe.

Finding the Right Bicycle Tube Sizes for Your Tire Size – and More

If your tire is flat, you need a new tube. We explain how to find the right bicycle tube sizes and 

specifications for your tire size. 

Learn more Man sieht einen aufgepumpten Aeron Schlauch

Latex or TPU – Which bike tube is better?

Latex or TPU? Here you’ll find all the important differences between the two types of tubes and which one is right for you. 

Learn more Gezeigt werden verschiedene Schläuche, darunter ein Aeron Schlauch und ein Latex-Schlauch.

Tubeless or TPU Tube? Which System is Better for Me?

Tubeless or TPU tube? Which system suits you and your bike better? Here you’ll find all the important information! 

Learn more Zu sehen ist ein Aeron Schlauch, der auf einer Hand liegt.

Butyl or TPU: Which bike tube is better for cycling?

Butyl or TPU? Here you’ll find all the important differences between the two types of tubes.

Learn more City/Tour